Local Obituary Database
This database contains information on current and past Antioch residents as well as persons with prominent ties to Antioch, Illinois.
Use the search box above the table to perform a basic search on all fields in the database, or use the filter boxes at the bottom of each column to search more specifically.
To request a copy of an obituary you find here please email the adult reference department.
Full Name | First Name | Last Name | Date Deceased | Date Published | Publication | Hyperlink |
Aidan Paul Adelizzi | Aidan Paul | Adelizzi | 02/25/2017 | 03/01/2017 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/aidan-adelizzi-obituary?pid=184285766 |
Delores Ann Aerne | Delores Ann | Aerne | 11/24/2014 | 01/14/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/delores-aerne-obituary?pid=173842047 |
Arthur Aerne | Arthur | Aerne | 07/19/2015 | 07/23/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/arthur-aerne-obituary?pid=175348705 |
Joan Albers | Joan | Albers | 05/11/2015 | 05/15/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/joan-albers-obituary?pid=174848337 |
Alice Grace Alwardt | Alice Grace | Alwardt | 05/07/2015 | 05/08/2015 | Strang Funeral Home | https://www.strangfh.com/obituary/3096775 |
Margaret Andersen | Margaret | Andersen | 10/01/2015 | 10/03/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/floridatoday/obituary.aspx?n=margaret-andersen&pid=175988045&fhid=6346 |
Arlene A. Anderson | Arlene A. | Anderson | 04/01/2015 | 04/04/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/arlene-anderson-obituary?pid=174554785 |
Kenneth Anderson | Kenneth | Anderson | 08/28/2015 | 09/03/2015 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/kenneth-anderson-obituary?pid=175729293 |
Neal Anderson | Neal | Anderson | 10/27/2015 | 10/29/2015 | Daily Herald | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dailyherald/obituary.aspx?n=neal-anderson&pid=176268044 |
Susan Anderson | Susan | Anderson | 11/12/2016 | 11/15/2016 | News Sun | https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/susan-anderson-obituary?pid=182527987 |
Full Name | First Name | Last Name | Date Deceased | Date Published | Publication | Hyperlink |