Haruki Murakami once said, “To be able to talk to your heart’s content about a book you like with someone who feels the same way about it is one of the greatest joys that life can offer.” APLD offers a new adult book chat online every month, with various questions about our book of the month’s themes, characters, and plot. If you don’t have the time to visit the library or chat on Zoom, but still want to be part of a book club, this is the perfect option for you. Visit our library’s Goodreads account and join to become part of our exciting new group!
Why Does our Staff Love Goodreads?
Goodreads provides a space for readers to review, track, and discuss books. Most importantly, Goodreads provides new book ideas to those who cannot decide what to read. Staff can recommend their favorite books, and you don’t have to leave your home; our bookshelf is filled with books that we all loved and want to share with our patrons. And if you use Libby, you can find a new book to read and check it out all from the comfort of your home.
Come join us today!